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Juvix Workshop ZKSummit10 version



In this part of the workshop, we will walk you through the process of installing Juvix, writing a simple program, and executing it. We will also introduce you to the command-line interface (CLI) and how to evaluate Juvix expressions.

Step 1: Install Juvix Compiler

The first step is to obtain a copy of the Juvix compiler. We have several installations listed here. Choose the one that suits you best.

For convenience, we will use the Juvix extension in Visual Studio Code which will install Juvix for us.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

First, clone the following repository:

git clone

Next, open the cloned repository in Visual Studio Code.

Step 3: Install the Juvix Extension

In the extension tab, search for "juvix" and install the extension that features the Tara logo.

Step 4: Open HelloWorld.juvix File

Open the HelloWorld.juvix file. You should get a prompt to install Juvix - click on the prompt and wait for Juvix to install. After reloading the page, full semantic highlighting should appear in the Juvix file.

Here's a quick rundown of what you'll see in the file:

  • The module declaration opens a file, it must have the same name as the file.
  • We import the Juvix standard library; the open keyword at the end means that all the symbols in the imported module are added to the scope of the module unqualified.
  • There is a function called main, which serves as the entry point to the program. It has type IO. The line below defines the body of the function. In this case, it simply calls the printStringLn function from the standard library with a single string argument.

You can see the type of symbols in the code by hovering over them and navigate to the definitions of symbols in the code by CMD+clicking on them. You can also open a REPL session from within the editor itself.

Step 5: Use the CLI

The Juvix compiler can also be driven from the command line. Let's see that in action.

In the clone of the repository we made before, change directory to the hello-world project and compile the HelloWorld.juvix source file.

cd juvix-workshop
cd hello-world
juvix compile native HelloWorld.juvix

Juvix also has a read-eval-print-loop (REPL) program that can be used to evaluate Juvix expressions. We invoke this by running juvix repl in the terminal.

juvix repl

You will be greeted by a line


Let's evaluate some Juvix expressions to try it out.

Stdlib.Prelude> 1 + 1
Stdlib.Prelude> printStringLn "Hello"

We'll explore more examples in the REPL later. Stay tuned!

Juvix Programming and Basic Concepts

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the basic concepts of Juvix programming language. We'll cover functions, types, pattern matching, recursion, polymorphism, and iterators.

Step 1: Create a New File

Let's start by creating a new file named Example.juvix. Write module Example; on the top of the file and end it with end;. This allows for a compilation of a Juvix file. All top modules should have the same name as the corresponding Juvix file they are contained in.

Import and open the standard library by typing import Stdlib.Prelude open; after indenting the line by two spaces. Also, initiate a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) session for this file. The REPL will provide feedback from the compiler as we write the program.

Step 2: Functions in Juvix

Juvix is a functional language, which means we can define functions. Unlike languages like Python that use a def keyword to define functions, Juvix doesn't require a keyword.

Here's how to define a function type:

add1 (n : Nat) : Nat;

Yet inputting this into a file produces an error as we're missing a function clause. The symbol := separates the arguments from the body of the clause.

add1 (n : Nat) : Nat := n + 1;

You can evaluate this function in the REPL. In Juvix, we apply a function to its arguments by writing the function next to its arguments, without parentheses.

Let's define another function, maximum, which takes two arguments:

maximum (n : Nat) (k : Nat) : Nat := if (n < k) k n;

Note that calling the function with an argument of the wrong type will result in a type error:

maximum 1 true

In Juvix, all functions expect precisely one argument. A function that appears to take two arguments actually takes a single argument and returns a new function.

maximum3 : Nat -> Nat := maximum 3;

Step 3: Types in Juvix

Juvix is a typed functional language, allowing you to define types. We've already seen some types like Nat, Int, and Bool that are defined in the standard library.

You can inspect their definition by using :def in the REPL:

:def Bool

Or navigate to their definition using CMD+click.

Every type is defined by a number of constructors. For Bool, there are two constructors true and false. Constructors in Juvix simply gather the data of the type together.

For instance, let's look at the type Nat, which represents non-negative integers. The zero constructor represents 0, while the suc constructor takes one argument and represents the successor of some other number. This is a recursive datatype because the suc constructor takes another Nat.

suc (suc (suc zero))

Step 4: Pattern Matching

We can define functions by pattern matching on the constructors of a type:

isZero : Nat -> Bool
| zero := true
| (suc k) := false;

Step 5: Recursive Functions

Recursive types are useful when defining recursive functions. Consider the function even:

even : Nat -> Bool
| zero := true
| (suc k) := not (even k);

Juvix will check that recursive functions will eventually terminate. For example,

even : Nat -> Bool
  | zero := true
  | (suc k) := not (even (suc k));

will not compile but

module Even-term;
even : Nat -> Bool
| zero := true
| (suc k) := not (even (suc k));

will as we have defined a submodule with the terminating flag that allows for the compilation of non-terminating functions.

Step 6: Polymorphism

Types in Juvix can take arguments, leading to polymorphic types like List Nat, List String, and List (List Bool).

Let's examine the definition of List:

:def List

We can define polymorphic functions by defining a function that takes a type as an argument:

length' {A} : List A -> Nat
| nil := 0
| (x :: xs) := suc (length' xs);

The type argument can be determined from the other arguments. So Juvix allows you to omit the type arguments by marking them as implicit by wrapping them in curly braces.

Step 7: Iterators

Finally, let's look at iterator syntax in Juvix. This allows us to write folds from functional programming in a more readable and imperative style.

sum (xs : List Nat) : Nat := for (acc := 0) (x in xs) x + acc;

In this code, we're iterating over a list. Before the iteration begins, acc is set to 0. The list is then traversed from beginning to end, and at each step, acc is updated with the value of the body x + acc.

There are also iterator syntaxes for map where we apply a function to each element.

mult2 (xs : List Nat) : List Nat := map (x in xs) x * 2;

And filters

filterLarge (xs : List Nat) : List Nat := filter (x in xs) x < 10;

You can find more examples of iterators in the standard library, and it's possible to define your own.

Step 8: Exercises

The exercises for this section are in You will find the following content, and your task is to replace the add-solution-here with your solution.

module Exercises;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

axiom add-solution-here : {A : Type} -> A;

--- Write a function that computes the exponentiation n^m
exp : Nat -> Nat -> Nat := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that returns the last element in a list
last {A} : List A -> Maybe A := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that reverses a list
rev {A} : List A -> List A := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that computes the maximum element in a list of natural numbers
maximum : List Nat -> Nat := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that computes the list of partial sums of a list of natural numbers
sums : List Nat -> List Nat := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that return the first element in a list that satisfies a predicate
findFirst {A} : (A -> Bool) -> List A -> Maybe A := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function that returns the longest initial sublist of elements that satisfy a predicate
takeWhile {A} : (A -> Bool) -> List A -> List A := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function which computes the length of a longest continuous sublist of elements satisfying a predicate
longest {A} : (A -> Bool) -> List A -> Nat := add-solution-here;

type Tree (A : Type) :=
| leaf A
| node (Tree A) (Tree A);

--- Write a function that counts the total number of leaves in a tree
countLeaves {A} : Tree A -> Nat := add-solution-here;

--- Write a function which checks if a ;Tree; is balanced.
--- A ;Tree; is balanced if the number of leaves in the left and right subtree of every
--- node differ by at most 1.
isBalanced {A} : Tree A -> Bool := add-solution-here;

module Solutions;
import Stdlib.Prelude open public;

--- Write a function that computes the exponentiation n^m
exp (x : Nat) : Nat -> Nat
| zero := 1
| (suc n) := x * exp x n;

--- Write a function that checks if a ;Nat; is prime
isPrime (n : Nat) : Bool :=
go : Nat -> Bool
| zero := true
| (suc zero) := true
| k@(suc k') := if (mod n k == 0) false (go k');
in case n of {
| zero := false
| suc zero := false
| suc k := go k

--- Write a function that returns the last element in a list
last {A} : List A -> Maybe A
| nil := nothing
| (x :: nil) := just x
| ( :: xs) := last xs;

--- Write a function that reverses a list
rev {A : Type} (xs : List A) : List A := for (acc := nil) (x in xs) x :: acc;

--- Write a function that computes the maximum element in a list of natural numbers
maximum (xs : List Nat) : Nat := for (acc := 0) (x in xs) if (x > acc) x acc;

--- Write a function that computes the list of partial sums of a list of natural numbers
sums (xs : List Nat) : List Nat :=
reverse \(</span></a></span> <span class="annot"><a href=""><span class="ju-function">fst</span></a></span> <span class="annot"><a href=""><span class="ju-function">\) for (acc, s := nil, 0) (x in xs) x + s :: acc, x + s;

--- Write a function that computes the first element in a list that satisfies a predicate
findFirst {A} (p : A -> Bool) : List A -> Maybe A
| nil := nothing
| (x :: xs) := if (p x) (just x) (findFirst p xs);

--- Write a function that returns the longest initial sublist of elements that satisfy a predicate
takeWhile {A} (p : A -> Bool) : List A -> List A
| nil := nil
| (x :: xs) := if (p x) (x :: takeWhile p xs) nil;

--- Write a function which computes the length of a longest continuous sublist of elements satisfying a predicate
longest {A : Type} (p : A -> Bool) (xs : List A) : Nat :=
for (len, len' := 0, 0) (x in xs)
if (p x) (len, len' + 1) (max len len', 0)
of {len, len' := max len len'};

type Tree (A : Type) :=
| leaf A
| node (Tree A) (Tree A);

--- Write a function that counts the total number of leaves in a tree
countLeaves {A} : Tree A -> Nat
| (leaf
) := 1
| (node l r) := countLeaves l + countLeaves r;

--- Write a function which checks if a ;Tree; is balanced.
--- A ;Tree; is balanced if the number of leaves in the left and right subtree of every
--- node differ by at most 1.
isBalanced {A} : Tree A -> Bool :=
go : Tree A -> Bool × Nat
| (leaf _) := true, 1
| (node l r) :=
case go l, go r of {
(isLeftBalance, nl), isRightBalance, nr :=
&& isRightBalance
&& sub nr nl <= 1
&& sub nl nr <= 1
, nl + nr
in fst go;
