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Juvix a language for intent-centric and declarative decentralized applications

Juvix is an open-source functional language with static typing and strict semantics. It is the programming language for the Anoma's blockchain. The primary purpose of this language is to encode Anoma's intents, enabling private and transparent execution through the Abstract Resource Machine on the Anoma blockchain.

Juvix, initially designed for Anoma, provides features typical of any high-level programming language with many more on the horizon. It can compile programs into native executable, WASM, and arithmetic circuits facilitating zero-knowledge proofs.

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... a brief of what Juvix is about

Intents in Juvix for Anoma's dApps

What is an intent? An intent, in essence, is a high-level description, a message sent by programs to indicate changes of a desired state.

Take for instance, Alice's intent. Her intent is to trade either two units of resource B or one unit of resource A for a unit of Dolphin. Bob, on the other hand, is willing to exchange one unit of resource A for 1 Dolphin. How can we write these intents in Juvix? The conditions for Alice's intent is presented in Juvix on the right, a logic function that validates the transaction.

See here the full Juvix code for this example.

flowchart LR
    A((Alice)) -- "Intent 1:\ntrade 1 A or 2 B for 1 Dolphin" ---> B[RM]
    X((Bob)) -- "Intent 2:\ntrade 1 Dolphin for 1 A" ---> B
    B --> P[Pool]
    S((Solver)) <----> P
    P -- "Intent solving" --> Z("Finalized\nTransaction")
    Z --> O[(Anoma)]

How to write intents in Juvix to validate transactions in Anoma is further elaborated in both the RM Simulator repository and the Juvix Workshop.

    UserWallet ->>RM API: use intent to create ptxs
    RM API  -->>UserWallet: returns ptxs
    UserWallet  ->>Solvers: send a ptxs
    Solvers   ->>Solvers: match/broadcast ptxs
    Solvers  -->>RM API: create helper ptxs
    RM API  -->>Solvers: gives helper ptxs
    Solvers   ->>RM API: create a tx
    RM API  -->>Solvers: returns a finalized tx
    Solvers  ->>Finaliser : submit finalized transaction
        Finaliser ->> RM API: verify the finalized transaction
    RM API ->> Finaliser: return the result (valid/invalid)
    Finaliser -->> Blockchain: commit a (balanced) tx
    Blockchain ->> Blockchain: run consensus Typhon alg.
    Blockchain ->> RM API: verify the transaction
    RM API -->> Blockchain: return the result (valid/invalid)

Arithmetic Circuits / Zero-knowledge Proofs

An arithmetic circuit is an algebraic representation, essentially expressing a system of polynomial equations in a universal, canonical form that model the computation of a program. Arithmetic circuits are used in zero-knowledge proofs and Juvix can compile programs into these representations via our in-house compiler VampIR.

flowchart LR
    A[Juvix file]  -- Juvix --> B[VampIR circuit]
    B -- VampIR --> C[PLONK or Halo2 circuit]
juvix compile vampir Hash.juvix

The VampIR file can then be compiled to a PLONK circuit:

vamp-ir plonk setup -m 14 -o input.pp
vamp-ir plonk compile -u input.pp -s Hash.pir -o c.plonk

A zero-knowledge proof that hash 1367 is equal to 3 can then be generated from the circuit:

vamp-ir plonk prove -u input.pp \
                    -c c.plonk \
                    -o proof.plonk -i Hash.json

This proof can then be verified:

vamp-ir plonk verify -u input.pp -c c.plonk -p proof.plonk


module Hash;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

{-# unroll: 30 #-}
power' (acc a b : Nat) : Nat :=
acc' : Nat := if (mod b 2 == 0) acc (acc a);
in if (b == 0) acc (power' acc' (a
a) (div b 2));

: Nat Nat := power' 1 2;

: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
| (suc n@(suc (suc m))) x :=
if (x < power n) (hash' n x) (mod (div (x x) (power m)) (power 6))
| _ x := x

: Nat -> Nat := hash' 16;

: Nat -> Nat := hash;

"in": "1367",
"out": "3"

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  • Open Source, GPL3.0

    Juvix is licensed under GPL3 and available on GitHub.
