Pragmas in Juvix¶
Pragmas in Juvix are used to provide additional information to the compiler about how to handle specific identifiers or modules. They offer a way to control the compilation process and can be associated with identifiers by placing a pragma comment just before the identifier declaration.
Syntax of Pragma¶
The syntax for binding a pragma to an identifier is as follows:
{-# pragma_name: pragma_value #-}
identifier : Type;
For instance, the subsequent code associates the inline
pragma with a value of
to the identifier f
{-# inline: true #-}
f : Nat -> Nat
| x := x;
Multiple pragmas can be linked with a single identifier, delineated by commas:
{-# inline: true, unroll: 100 #-}
g : Nat -> Nat
| x := x;
Pragmas associated with a module are inherited by all definitions within the module, unless explicitly overridden. For example,
{-# inline: true #-}
module M;
f : Nat -> Nat := <body-f>;
g : Nat -> Nat := <body-g>;
{-# inline: false #-}
h : Nat -> Nat := <body-h>;
In this scenario, inlining is enabled for f
, g
and disabled for h
Pragmas are mappings in YAML syntax, albeit the outermost braces are not mandated for the top-level mapping if it's on a single line. If the compiler encounters any unrecognized pragmas, they will be disregarded to ensure backwards compatibility. Although pragmas influence the compilation process, they don't carry any semantic significance - eliminating all pragmas should not alter the meaning of the program.
Available Pragmas¶
Herein, we enumerate all currently recognized pragmas in Juvix. In the
descriptions below, b
symbolizes a boolean (true
or false
), and n
symbolizes a non-negative number.
Inlining Functions¶
inline: b
This pragma specifies whether a function should be inlined. If set to true
the function will invariably be inlined when fully applied. If set to false
the function will never be inlined, which also disables automatic inlining.
Inlining Partial Applications¶
inline: n
This variant of the inline
pragma specifies that a partial application of
the function with at least n
explicit arguments should always be inlined.
For example:
{-# inline: 2 #-}
compose {A B C} (f : B -> C) (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x);
In the expression compose f g
, the function compose
will be inlined, but
in compose f
, it won't be.
Mandatory inlining¶
inline: always
This pragma specifies that a function should always be inlined, regardless of the optimization level or how many arguments it is applied to. This pragma should be used sparingly. It is intended mainly for (standard) library developers.
Case value inlining¶
inline: case
This pragma specifies that a function should be inline whenever it is matched on. Using this pragma makes most sense with small functions that directly return a constructor application.
Unrolling Recursion¶
unroll: n
This pragma sets the maximum recursion unrolling depth to n
. It only affects
the vampir
and geb
Naming Function Arguments for Generated Code¶
argnames: [arg1, .., argn]
This pragma sets the names of function arguments in the generated output to
. This is primarily useful with the vampir
backend to name
VampIR input variables.
format: b
This pragma enables or disables formatting for the specified module. Adding
the format: false
pragma before a module makes the formatter ignore the
module and output it verbatim.
Specializing Function Arguments¶
specialize: [arg1, .., argn]
orspecialize-args: [arg1, .., argn]
This pragma specifies that the arguments arg1
, ..., argn
be specialized in each fully applied function occurrence. Only
explicit and instance arguments can be specialized. The arguments
can be specified by name or by their position in the argument list
(ignoring implicit arguments). For example, with the definition
{-# specialize: [f] #-}
map {A B} (f : A -> B) : List A -> List B
| nil := nil
| (x :: xs) := f x :: map f xs;
any occurrence of map g lst
with g : T -> T'
not a variable will
be replaced by an application map_g lst
of a new function map_g
defined as:
map_g : List T -> List T'
| nil := nil
| (x :: xs) := g x :: map_g xs;
The argument f
can also be specified as the first non-implicit argument:
{-# specialize: [1] #-}
specialize-by: [v1,..,vn]
This pragma specifies that a local function should be specialized by
the values of the variables v1,..,vn
from the surrounding
context. This is commonly used to specialize local functions by some
arguments of the enclosing function. For example, given
{-# inline: true #-}
funa {A} (f : A -> A) (a : A) : A :=
{-# specialize-by: [f] #-}
go : Nat -> A
| zero := a
| (suc n) := f (go n);
in go 10;
wherever the function funa
gets inlined with a particular value v
for f
, the function go
will be specialized with that value v
substituted for f
. Without the specialize-by
pragma, after
inlining f
the function g
would have an additional argument f
-- the value v
would be passed to g
through this argument instead
of being "pasted" into the body of g
specialize: b
When provided before a type or a value (zero-argument function) definition, this pragma specifies whether values of the type or the given value should always be used to specialize functions. For example,
{-# specialize: true #-}
type Natural N :=
mkNatural {
+ : N -> N -> N;
* : N -> N -> N;
fromNat : Nat -> N
will result in specializing any function applied to an argument of
type Natural N
for some N
{-# specialize: true #-}
naturalNatI : Natural Nat := <body>;
will result in specializing any function applied to naturalNatI
{-# specialize: false #-}
naturalNatI : Natural Nat := <body>;
will prevent specializing functions applied to naturalNatI
, even
if the argument to which it is provided was declared for
specialization with specialize
or specialize-args