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Local Definitions

Local definitions in Juvix are facilitated by the let expression. This feature is particularly beneficial for defining identifiers that are exclusive to a single scope.

Syntax of let Expression

The basic syntax of a let binding is as follows:

let <name> : <type> := <term>;
in <body>

In this syntax:

  • {name} refers to the name of the variable you want to define and should be a valid identifier of type <type>.
  • {term} is the value or computation assigned to the identifier.
  • {body} represents the section of code where this local definition is valid.

Here's an example:

value : Nat :=
x : Nat := 5;
in x * x;

In this case, x is the identifier, 5 is the expression, and x * x is the body. The result of this code would be 25.

In case of simple let-bindings as above, the type may be omitted:

value' : Nat :=
x := 5;
in x * x;

In fact, Juvix allows multiple definitions in a single let-expression with the syntax of the definitions exactly the same as for top-level function definitions. For example:

sum (lst : List Nat) : Nat :=
go (acc : Nat) : List Nat -> Nat
| nil := acc
| (x :: xs) := go (acc + x) xs;
in go 0 lst;

Another example with multiple definitions:

isEven (n : Nat) : Bool :=
isEven' : Nat -> Bool
| zero := true
| (suc n) := isOdd' n;
isOdd' : Nat -> Bool
| zero := false
| (suc n) := isEven' n;
in isEven' n;

The functions isEven' and isOdd' are not visible outside the body of isEven.