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A trait is a special type of record that can be used to define a set of functions that must be implemented for a given type.

Trait declarations

Traits are declared using the trait keyword, followed by a record type declaration.

type <record name> <type parameters> :=
    | <type-constructor-1>@{
        <field1-1> : <type-1-1>;
        <field1-n> : <type-1-n>
    | ...
    | <type-constructor-n>@{
        <fieldn-1> : <type-n-1>;
        <fieldn-n> : <type-n-n>

For example, the following defines a trait Show. Any type A that implements Show must provide a function show that takes an A and returns a String.

type Show A :=
show : A -> String;

Instance declarations

An instance of a trait is a value of the corresponding record type, which must implement all methods stipulated by the trait.

To indicate that a given global definition declares an instance of a trait, we use the instance keyword. To create the instance record, we use the trait constructor of the corresponding record type.

<term> : <trait> := <trait constructor>@{
    field1 := <term1>;
    fieldn := <termn>;

For example, we could define three instances of Show for String, Bool, and Nat as follows:

showStringI : Show String :=
show := id;

showBoolI : Show Bool :=
show (x : Bool) : String :=
| x := "true"
| else := "false";

showNatI : Show Nat :=
show := natToString;

Instance arguments

The following a bit more involved example defines an instance of Show for the type of lists:

showList {A} {{Show A}} : List A -> String
| nil := "nil"
| (h :: t) := h ++str " :: " ++str showList t;

showListI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (List A) :=
show := showList;

The second argument of showList of type Show A is an instance argument, which is indicated by enclosing the argument type in double braces. When calling a function, the instance arguments are typically not provided explicity but inferred with instance resolution.

The above instance definition could be written more compactly:

showListI {A} {{Show A}} : Show (List A) :=
     show : List A -> String
       | nil := "nil"
       | (h :: t) := h ++str " :: " ++str show t;

In the body of show, the qualified refers to the trait projection, i.e., the record projection associated with the trait Show, while unqualified show refers to the function being defined recursively. One uses trait projections to automatically infer appropriate instance arguments.

In contrast to record projections for non-trait types, the first non-parameter argument of a trait projection is an instance argument and not ordinary explicit argument. For example, the type signature of is: {A} : {{Show A}} -> List A -> String

Instance resolution

Instance resolution is the search for a declared instance matching a given trait type. The search includes all locally accessible instance variables and all instances declared with the instance keyword. If there is no matching instance or there is an ambiguity (more than one instance matches), then instance resolution fails.

For example, in

showNatList (lst : List Nat) : String := lst;

the implicitly inferred instance value of type Show (List Nat) for lst is showListI {{showNatI}}. In the first instance resolution step, we see that Show (List Nat) matches the type Show (List A) of the instance showListI. The type parameter A is treated as a variable that can match any type, Nat in particular. Since showListI has an instance argument of type Show A, a matching instance must be inferred for Show Nat in the second step. We see that showNatI of type Show Nat is a matching instance. Since in both steps there was no ambiguity (only one instance matched), instance resolution succeeds.

To prevent looping during instance search, we need to ensure that the trait parameters in instance types are structurally decreasing. Therefore, the following instance is rejected:

type Box A := box A;

type T A := mkT@{pp : A -> A};

boxT {A} {{T (Box A)}} : T (Box A) := mkT (\{x := x});

We check whether each parameter is a strict subterm of some trait parameter in the target. This ordering is included in the finite multiset extension of the subterm ordering, hence terminating.

Matching on implicit instances

It is possible to manually provide an instance and to match on implicit instances, as shown below:

f {A} {{Show A}} (x : A) : String := x;

f' {A} : {{Show A}} -> A -> String
| {{mkShow s}} x := s x;

f'' {A} : {{Show A}} -> A -> String
| {{M}} x := {{M}} x;


Using the Show trait and the function printStringLn and IO from the standard library, we could use the instances of Show as follows:

main : IO :=
printStringLn ( true)
>>> printStringLn (f false)
>>> printStringLn ( 3)
>>> printStringLn ( [true; false])
>>> printStringLn ( [1; 2; 3])
>>> printStringLn (f' [1; 2])
>>> printStringLn (f'' [true; false])
>>> printStringLn ( ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]);

Instance coercions

A coercion from trait T to T' can be declared with the syntax

coercion instance
coeName {A} {{T A}} : T' A := ...
Coercions can be seen as instances with special resolution rules.

Coercion resolution rules

  • If a non-coercion instance can be applied in a single instance resolution step, no coercions are considered. No ambiguity results if there exists some coercion which could be applied, but a non-coercion instance exists - the non-coercion instances have priority.
  • If no non-coercion instance can be applied in a single resolution step, all minimal coercion paths which lead to an applicable non-coercion instance are considered. If there is more than one, ambiguity is reported.


The following type-checks because:

  1. There is no non-coercion instance found for U String.
  2. There are two minimal coercion paths U <- U1 and U <- U2, but only one of them (U <- U2) ends in an applicable non-coercion instance (instU2 for U2 String).
type U A :=
pp : A -> A;

type U1 A :=
pp : A -> A;

type U2 A :=
pp : A -> A;

coercion instance
fromU1toU {A} {{U1 A}} : U A :=
pp := U1.pp;

coercion instance
fromU2toU {A} {{U2 A}} : U A :=
pp := U2.pp;

instU2 : U2 String := mkU2 id;

printMain : IO := printStringLn (U.pp "X");

The following results in an ambiguity error because:

  1. There is no non-coercion instance found for T Unit.
  2. There are two minimal coercion paths T <- T1 and T <- T2, both of which end in applicable non-coercion instances.
type T A := mkT { pp : A → A };

type T1 A := mkT1 { pp : A → A };

type T2 A := mkT2 { pp : A → A };

unitT1 : T1 Unit := mkT1 (pp := λ{_ := unit});

unitT2 : T2 Unit := mkT2 (pp := λ{_ := unit});

coercion instance
fromT1toT {A} {{T1 A}} : T A := mkT@{
  pp := T1.pp

coercion instance
fromT2toT {A} {{T2 A}} : T A := mkT@{
  pp := T2.pp

myUnit : Unit := T.pp unit;

The following type-checks, because there exists a non-coercion instance for T2 String, so the coercion fromT1toT2 is ignored during instance resolution.

type T1 A :=
pp : A -> A;

type T2 A :=
pp : A -> A;

instT1 {A} : T1 A :=
pp := id;

coercion instance
fromT1toT2 {A} {{M : T1 A}} : T2 A :=
pp := T1.pp {{M}};

instT2 : T2 String :=
pp (s : String) : String := s ++str "!";

myString : String := T2.pp "a";