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Records are a special kind of data type. Each data constructor within a record has named type arguments. Records are smilar to structures from languages such as C++ or Java, or to records in database systems.

Record declaration

In the context of record types, a field is a named argument of an inductive type constructor.

The general syntax for declaring a record type is as follows:

type <record name> <type parameters> :=
    | <type-constructor-1>@{
        <field1-1> : <type-1-1>;
        <field1-n> : <type-1-n>
    | ...
    | <type-constructor-n>@{
        <fieldn-1> : <type-n-1>;
        <fieldn-n> : <type-n-n>

In this syntax:

  • <record name> is a unique identifier for the declared record type. This name should be unique within its scope and it is case sensitive.

  • <type parameters> are optional and represent the generic parameters that the record type may take, see data types for more information. They allow for greater flexibility and reusability of the record type.

  • <type-constructor-k> is the kth constructors of the record type. Each constructor can have a different set of fields.

  • <field1-1>, <field1-n>, <fieldn-1>, <fieldn-n> are the names of the fields in each constructor. These names should be unique within their constructor.

  • <type-1-n>, <type-n-1>, <type-n-n> represent the type of the corresponding field.

Typically, a record has exactly one constructor. The record declaration syntax, however, can be used to define arbitrary inductive types with named constructor arguments.


We declare the newType record type with the mkNewtype type constructor and one field f.

type T := constructT : T;

type newtype :=
f : T;

Consider the Pair record type that models pairs of values. The Pair type has a single mkPair constructor that takes two arguments fst and snd of type A and B respectively.

type Pair (A B : Type) :=
fst : A;
snd : B;

Here is a declaration of a "record" with multiple constructors.

type EnumRecord :=
| C1@{
c1a : T;
c1b : T;
| C2@{
c2a : T;
c2b : T;

Record creation

To create a value of type Pair from above, use the mkPair type constructor and provide values for each field.

p1 : Pair T T :=
fst := constructT;
snd := constructT;

An pair of EnumRecords can be created as follows.

p2 : Pair EnumRecord EnumRecord :=
fst :=
c1a := constructT;
c1b := constructT;
snd :=
c2a := constructT;
c2b := constructT;

Record projections

For single-constructor records, an implicit module named <record name> is defined with record projections, i.e., functions which allow to access the values of corresponding record fields. The record projection for field f in record R is referred to by R.f.

For example, a new pair equal to p1 defined above can be created using values retrieved with record projections.

p1' : Pair T T :=
fst := Pair.fst p1;
snd := Pair.snd p1;

By default, the record projections are qualified by the record type name. To access the fields without specifying the type name, use the open keyword to bring record projection names into scope.

open Pair;

flipP : Pair T T := mkPair (snd p1) (fst p1);

Record update

The values of record fields can be updated. For example consider a pair of natural numbers:

natPair : Pair Nat Nat :=
fst := 1;
snd := 2;

We can update the value of the fst field from 1 to 2 as follows:

updatedNatPair : Pair Nat Nat := natPair@Pair{fst := 2};

Record puns

When using records, one often defines variables with the same names as record fields, e.g.,

p3 : Pair Nat Nat :=
fst := 1;
snd := 2;
in mkPair@{
fst := fst;
snd := snd;

With record punning, the assignment to a record field of a variable with the same name can be simplified by omitting the assignment right-hand side and the assignment symbol. For example, the above definition of p3 can be abbreviated to:

p3' : Pair Nat Nat :=
fst := 1;
snd := 2;
in mkPair@{

Record patterns

Record syntax can be used in pattern matching, e.g.,

f : Pair Nat Nat -> Nat
| mkPair@{fst := zero; snd} := snd
| mkPair@{fst} := fst;
