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Essential Juvix


Welcome to the essential Juvix tutorial! This brief guide will introduce you to basic Juvix language features and allow you to quickly get up to speed with programming in Juvix. After working through this tutorial, you should be able to write simple Juvix programs and have a basic understanding of common patterns and language concepts. Let's get started on your Juvix journey!

Juvix REPL

After installing Juvix, launch the Juvix REPL:

juvix repl

The response should be similar to:

Juvix REPL version 0.6.8: Run :help for help
OK loaded: ./.juvix-build/stdlib/Stdlib/Prelude.juvix

Currently, the REPL supports evaluating expressions but it does not yet support adding new definitions. To see the list of available REPL commands type :help.

Basic expressions

You can try evaluating simple arithmetic expressions in the REPL:

Stdlib.Prelude> 3 + 4
Stdlib.Prelude> 1 + 3 * 7
Stdlib.Prelude> div 35 4
Stdlib.Prelude> mod 35 4
Stdlib.Prelude> sub 35 4
Stdlib.Prelude> sub 4 35

By default, Juvix operates on non-negative natural numbers. Natural number subtraction is implemented by the function sub. Subtracting a bigger natural number from a smaller one yields 0.

You can also try boolean expressions

Stdlib.Prelude> true
Stdlib.Prelude> not true
Stdlib.Prelude> true && false
Stdlib.Prelude> true || false
Stdlib.Prelude> if | true := 1 | else := 0

and strings, pairs and lists:

Stdlib.Prelude> "Hello world!"
"Hello world!"
Stdlib.Prelude> (1, 2)
1, 2
Stdlib.Prelude> [1; 2; 3]
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil

The parentheses around pairs, as in (1, 2), are in fact optional when no ambiguity arises. The notation [a; b; c] is an abbreviation for a :: b :: c :: nil, where :: is a list "cons" operator and nil (also []) denotes the empty list.

In fact, you can use all functions and types from the Stdlib.Prelude module of the standard library, which is preloaded by default.

Stdlib.Prelude> length [1; 2]
Stdlib.Prelude> isEmpty [1; 2]
Stdlib.Prelude> swap (1, 2)
2, 1

To see the type of an expression, use the :type REPL command:

Stdlib.Prelude> :type 1
Stdlib.Prelude> :type -1
Stdlib.Prelude> :type true
Stdlib.Prelude> :type [1; 2; 3]
List Nat
Stdlib.Prelude> :type (1, "A")
Pair Nat String

The type List Nat is the type of lists whose elements have type Nat. The type Pair Nat String is the type of pairs whose first component has type Nat and second component has type String.

Files, modules and compilation

Currently, the REPL does not support adding new definitions. To define new functions or data types, you need to put them in a separate file and either load the file in the REPL with :load file.juvix, evaluate it with the shell command juvix eval file.juvix, or compile it to a binary executable with juvix compile native file.juvix. To only type-check a file without evaluating it, use juvix typecheck file.juvix.

To conveniently edit Juvix files, an Emacs mode and a VSCode extension are available.

A Juvix file must declare a module whose name corresponds exactly to the name of the file. For example, a file Hello.juvix must declare a module Hello:

module Hello;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

: String := "Hello world!";

A file compiled to an executable must define the zero-argument function main which is evaluated when running the program. The definition of main can have any non-function type, e.g., String, Bool, Nat or Int. The generated executable prints the result of evaluating main.

The statement

import Stdlib.Prelude open;

imports the standard library prelude into the current scope.


Function definitions in Juvix look like this:

add (x y : Nat) : Nat := x + y;

In contrast to many other languages, no function definition keyword like def or fun is required. Just the name of the function needs to be provided, followed by its arguments and the result type. The function body is specified after the assignment symbol (:=). The definition needs to be terminated with a semicolon.

Juvix is a statically typed language, which means that the compiler enforces a strict typing discipline with type checking done at compilation time. It is mandatory to specify the types of the function arguments and of the result. When the arguments have different types, they need to be given in separate parenthesized argument groups:

addOrMul (shouldMul : Bool) (x y : Nat) : Nat :=
| shouldMul := x * y
| else := add x y;

As you see above, functions are called by listing their space-separated arguments after the function name: add x y calls add with two arguments x and y. This syntax is different than in mainstream imperative languages, but common in functional languages like OCaml, Haskell or Lean. In Juvix, the expression add (x, y) is a call to the function add with a single argument (x, y) which is a pair of x and y. Using add (x, y) instead of add x y in addOrMul would result in a type error.

A "function" can have zero arguments. In this way, definitions of functions and constants / variables follow the same syntax:

myValue : Nat := 42;

Juvix functions can be parameterized by types, similar to generics in Java, Rust, and C++. In functional programming terminology, such functions are called polymorphic - they act uniformly on all types, without relying on type-specific implementations. For example, here is a polymorphic identity function which takes an argument of an arbitrary type A and returns it:

id {A} (x : A) : A := x;

When calling id, the right type to be substituted for A is inferred automatically by the type checker. For example, in the call id 3 the type checker infers that A refers to the type Nat.


The function id already exists in the standard library, so redefining it in your file may lead to name clashes.

Local definitions

Local definitions visible only inside a function body are introduced with the let .. in .. syntax:

foo (pair : Pair Nat Nat) : Nat :=
(x, y) := pair;
bar := 42 + y;
bang (z : Nat) : Nat := z * bar;
in bang (add x bar);

The identifiers x, y, bar, and bang are only accessible within the foo function after their declaration. The definitions in a let-block follow the same syntax as top-level definitions. In particular, it is possible to define local functions, like bang above. Type annotations for variables or data structure patterns, like for bar or (x, y) above, can be omitted and automatically inferred by the type checker.

Functional programming

Juvix is a purely functional language, which means that functions have no side effects and all variables are immutable. Once a variable is assigned a value it cannot be modified - destructive updates are simply absent from the language. Instead of mutating existing variables or data structures, a common functional programming pattern is to "update" them by creating new ones.

For example, a polymorphic function that swaps the components of a pair could be implemented as follows:

swap {A B} (pair : Pair A B) : Pair B A := snd pair, fst pair;

Instead of modifying the pair in place, swap returns a new pair with the components swapped. The standard library functions fst and snd return the first and second components of a pair, respectively.

Purely functional programming may at first seem exotic to a mainstream imperative programmer, but once assimilated it offers unique advantages. Purity guarantees that all functions are referentially transparent, meaning that they always return the same result for the same arguments. This is not the case in imperative programs, where the result of a function may depend on the implicit global state or the call may have side effects, which is a common source of errors. Functional programs are often more succinct, reliable, and easier to reason about. In particular, formal verification is more manageable for functional than for imperative programs.

Functional programming does require a certain shift in the developer's mindset. Nonetheless, the learning curve of a well-designed user-focused purely functional language should not be too steep. Juvix aims to deliver on this promise.


A statically typed programming language would not be very useful without the ability to define new data types. Records with named fields of specified types are among the most common data types. In Juvix, a record type can be defined as follows.

type Resource :=
quantity : Nat;
price : Nat;

The above defines a record type Resource with two fields quantity and price, both of type Nat. A record of type Resource can be created using the record constructor mkResource:

myResource : Resource :=
quantity := 42;
price := 100;

The fields of a record can be accessed via their record projections, as demonstrated in the following function with Resource.quantity and Resource.price.

totalCost (r : Resource) : Nat := Resource.quantity r * Resource.price r;

A record can be "updated" by creating a new record with some fields modified:

addQuantity (n : Nat) (r : Resource) : Resource :=
r@Resource{quantity := Resource.quantity r + n};

The above is equivalent to:

addQuantity (n : Nat) (r : Resource) : Resource :=
quantity := Resource.quantity r + n;
price := Resource.price r;

Enumerations and inductive types

Enumeration types are defined like this:

type Ordering :=
| LessThan
| Equal
| GreaterThan;

The above defines a type Ordering with three possible values: LessThan, Equal, and GreaterThan. The values of an enumeration type are its constructors.

Distinguishing between different constructors can be achieved using case-expressions:

orderingToInt (ord : Ordering) : Int :=
case ord of
| LessThan := -1
| Equal := 0
| GreaterThan := 1;

Records and enumerations are special cases of inductive types specified by a number of constructors with arguments. Here is an example of an inductive type with two constructors:

  • Created with one argument commitment of type Nat,
  • Consumed with one argument nullifier of type Nat.
type Tag :=
| Created@{
commitment : Nat;
| Consumed@{
nullifier : Nat;

Actually, it is not required to name the arguments of a constructor - their types can be specified in a space-separated sequence instead. The names are often omitted when the constructor has only one argument with the argument being a record and/or the argument name being insignificant.

type Commitment :=
commitment : Nat;

type Nullifier :=
nullifier : Nat;

type Tag :=
| Created Commitment
| Consumed Nullifier;

For most types with multiple constructors, it is considered good practice to wrap constructor arguments into records. This makes type information more explicit and allows to pass all constructor arguments together to a helper function.

Optional values

The polymorphic inductive type Maybe from the standard library is commonly used to represent optional or nullable values in a type-safe manner. It is analogous to Option in Rust, option in OCaml or Maybe in Haskell.

type Maybe A :=
| nothing
| just A;

Here are two standard library functions commonly used with the Maybe type:

isJust {A} (maybeValue : Maybe A) : Bool :=
case maybeValue of
| nothing := false
| just _ := true;

fromMaybe {A} (default : A) (maybeValue : Maybe A) : A :=
case maybeValue of
| nothing := default
| just value := value;

In Juvix, all functions must be total, meaning they must return a result for every possible input. To handle cases where a function might not produce a result for certain inputs, you can use the Maybe type. When the result is undefined, the function can return nothing.

getCommitment (tag : Tag) : Maybe Commitment :=
case tag of
| Created c := just c
| Consumed _ := nothing;

getCommitmentD (default : Commitment) (tag : Tag) : Commitment :=
fromMaybe default (getCommitment tag);

The function getCommitmentD returns its first argument default if the tag does not contain a commitment.

Lists and iteration

In the Juvix standard library, the list type is defined as a polymorphic inductive type with two constructors:

  • nil - empty list [],
  • :: - "cons" - a non-empty list with a head and a tail.
type List A :=
| nil
| :: A (List A);

Recall that constructor arguments can be specified without naming them by listing their types after the constructor name, like above for the arguments of ::. The first argument of :: is the head (first list element) and the second argument is the tail (remaining list elements).

The "cons" constructor :: can be used in right-associative infix notation, e.g., 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil is the same as 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: nil)) which is the same as (::) 1 ((::) 2 ((::) 3 nil)). So if lst is a list of Nats, then 1 :: lst is the list with head 1 and tail lst, i.e., the first element of 1 :: lst is 1 and the remaining elements come from lst. When specifying all list elements at once, a move convenient notation [1; 2; 3] can be used. So [1; 2; 3] is the same as 1 :: [2; 3], 1 :: 2 :: [3], 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] and 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil.

Lists are fundamental data structures in functional programming which represent ordered sequences of elements. Lists are often used where an imperative program would use arrays, but these are not always directly interchangeable. To use lists, imperative array-based code needs to be reformulated to process elements sequentially.

In Juvix, list processing is often performed with the for iterator. The expression

for (acc := initialValue) (x in list) {

is evaluated as follows. First, the accumulator acc is assigned its initial value. Then each list element is processed sequentially in the order from left to right (from beginning to end of list). At each step, BODY is evaluated with the current value of acc and the current element x. The result of evaluating BODY becomes the new value of acc, and the iteration proceeds with the next element. The final value of the accumulator acc becomes the value of the whole for-expression.

For example, here is a function which sums the elements of a list of natural numbers:

sum (lst : List Nat) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (x in lst) {
acc + x

First, the accumulator acc is initialized to 0. As the list lst is traversed from left to right, each element x is added to acc, updating its value. By the end of the iteration, acc holds the sum of all elements in the list.

As another example, consider a function computing the total cost of all resources priced at more than 100 (recall Resource and totalCost defined earlier in this tutorial).

totalCostOfValuableResources (lst : List Resource) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (r in lst) {
| Resource.price r > 100 := acc + totalCost r
| else := acc

The next example demonstrates how to perform iteration with multiple accumulators. The following function minmax computes the minimum and the maximum values in a list of natural numbers. The functions min and max are defined in the standard library.

minmax (lst : List Nat) : Pair Nat Nat :=
for (minAcc, maxAcc := 0, 0) (x in lst) {
min minAcc x, max maxAcc x

You can iterate over multiple lists simultaneously with the help of the zip function, which combines two lists into a list of pairs. For example, zip [1; 2; 3] [4; 5; 6] evaluates to [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)]. As an illustration, here is an implementation of the dot product for two lists of the same length.

dotProduct (lst1 lst2 : List Nat) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (x, y in zip lst1 lst2) {
acc + x * y

The dot product is the sum of products of elements at corresponding positions, e.g.,

dotProduct [1; 2; 3] [4; 5; 6]
= 1 * 4 + 2 * 5 + 3 * 6
= 32

In contrast, the following function sumAllProducts computes the sum of products for all possible pairs of elements from the two lists.

sumAllProducts (lst1 lst2 : List Nat) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (x in lst1) {
for (acc' := acc) (y in lst2) {
acc' + x * y

For example:

sumAllProducts [1; 2; 3] [4; 5; 6]
= 1 * 4 + 1 * 5 + 1 * 6 +
  2 * 4 + 2 * 5 + 2 * 6 +
  3 * 4 + 3 * 5 + 3 * 6
= 90

The for iterator is suitable for sequentially accumulating values from a list. Often, we want to transform a list into a new list. The map and filter iterators are commonly used for this purpose.

The expression

map (x in lst) {f x}

evaluates to a list obtained from lst by replacing each element x with f x. For example, the following function increases the prices of all resources by n.

increaseAllPrices (n : Nat) (lst : List Resource) : List Resource :=
map (r in lst) {
r@Resource{price := Resource.price r + n}

The filter iterator selects elements of a list that satisfy a given condition. For example, the following function picks resources with price greater than price. The order of the elements is preserved.

pickValuable (price : Nat) (lst : List Resource) : List Resource :=
filter (r in lst) {
Resource.price r > price

Lists do not allow for random access to their elements by index. The Juvix standard library intentionally does not provide a function to access the nth element of a list. Such a function could easily be implemented, but it would not be efficient. Lists are not arrays. If you find yourself wanting to access list elements by numerical index, you are most likely doing something wrong: trying to incongruently fit imperative array programming patterns into a functional language instead of using more elegant functional techniques. If you are used to array-based programming, the shift away from "low-level" index-based array manipulations in favour of "high-level" list iterators and functions may be challenging at first. The section Common techniques at the end of this tutorial collects some methods for solving common programming tasks in a purely functional manner.


With the pipe |> operator, the last argument of a function can be moved to the front: z |> f x y is the same as f x y z. This is useful for chaining function applications which perform some processing steps in sequence: x |> doStep1 |> doStep2 |> doStep3 |> doStep4 is the same as doStep4 (doStep3 (doStep2 (doStep1 x))). Such processing pipelines are favored over loops with complex bodies, as they result in cleaner code, better separation of concerns across steps, and improved modularity.

For example, recall the function totalCostOfValuableResources from the previous section.

totalCostOfValuableResources (lst : List Resource) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (r in lst) {
| Resource.price r > 100 := acc + totalCost r
| else := acc

The body of the for-expression is somewhat complex, performing three distinct operations: checking if the price of r exceeds a threshold, computing the total cost for r, and computing the sum. The for-expression can be rewritten into a pipeline, resulting in increased readability and cleaner separation between the performed operations.

totalCostOfValuableResources (lst : List Resource) : Nat :=
isValuable (r : Resource) : Bool := Resource.price r > 100;
in lst |> filter isValuable |> map totalCost |> sum;

The iterators map and filter can be used as functions like above, with the body becoming the first argument and the list becoming the second argument. So map doIt lst is the same as map (x in lst) {doIt x}, and filter doIt lst is the same as filter (x in lst) {doIt x}.

Now suppose we would like to modify totalCostOfValuableResources to take into account only resources with quantity greater than 10. In the first version, we would need to modify the for-expression body by inserting an extra check, which would complicate it even further. In the second version, we just need to add an extra step to the pipeline. There is no need to modify existing pipeline steps.

totalCostOfValuableResources (lst : List Resource) : Nat :=
isEnough (r : Resource) : Bool := Resource.quantity r > 10;
isValuable (r : Resource) : Bool := Resource.price r > 100;
in lst |> filter isEnough |> filter isValuable |> map totalCost |> sum;


Lists represent ordered sequences of elements with possible duplicates. They are intended for sequential processing and do not support efficient membership checks. If you need to check for membership, the order is not significant and duplicates not allowed, then a Set is an appropriate data structure.

Sets are not in the standard library prelude, so you need to import them separately.

import Stdlib.Data.Set as Set open using {Set};

The above statement makes set functions available qualified with Set. and the Set type available unqualified.

The following functions are available for sets.

  • Set.empty is the empty set.
  • Set.isMember elem set evaluates to true iff elem is in set.
  • Set.insert elem set inserts elem into set, returning the updated set.
  • Set.delete elem set removes elem from set.

As an example, here is a function which removes duplicates from a list, preserving element order and keeping the first occurrence of each value.

removeDuplicates (lst : List Nat) : List Nat :=
for (acc, seen := [], Set.empty) (x in lst) {
| Set.isMember x seen := acc, seen
| else := x :: acc, Set.insert x seen
|> fst
|> reverse;

The function uses an auxiliary set seen to check if an element was already encountered. The result of the for iteration is a pair (acc, seen), so to get the result list we need to extract the first component acc using fst. Since the for iterator goes through the list from beginning to end, the order of the accumulated result list is reversed. The standard library function reverse, as its name indicates, reverses the result list back to the original order.


A map is a data structure that represents associations from keys to values. Each key can be associated with only one value.

In Juvix, the Map type of maps needs to be imported with the following statement:

import Stdlib.Data.Map as Map open using {Map};

The following functions are supported for maps.

  • Map.empty is the empty map.

  • Map.lookup key map evaluates to just value if key is associated with value in map, or to nothing if key has no association in map.

  • Map.insert key value map associates key with value in map, overriding any previous association if present.

  • Map.delete key map removes the association for key from the map.

  • Map.keys map returns the list of keys present in map.

  • Map.values map returns the list of values associated with some key in map.

As an example of Map usage, consider the following function which groups resources by their price and adds up the quantities to create one resource for each price. The order of elements in the result list is not preserved.

groupResourcesByPrice (lst : List Resource) : List Resource :=
for (acc := Map.empty) (r in lst) {
p := Resource.price r;
in case Map.lookup p acc of
| nothing := Map.insert p r acc
| just r' := Map.insert p (addQuantity (Resource.quantity r) r') acc
|> Map.values;

In fact, groupResourcesByPrice could be written more succinctly using Map.insertWith, which does not replace the value when the key is already present, but instead combines the new and the old values using a provided function.

groupResourcesByPrice (lst : List Resource) : List Resource :=
combineResources (r1 r2 : Resource) : Resource :=
addQuantity (Resource.quantity r1) r2;
in for (acc := Map.empty) (r in lst) {
Map.insertWith combineResources (Resource.price r) r acc
|> Map.values;


In Juvix, traits provide a way to define shared behaviour for types, similarly to traits in Rust, type classes in Haskell, and interfaces in Java. A trait specifies a set of functions that must be implemented in an instance for a given type. Traits allow you to write generic, reusable code by specifying constraints on types without committing to a specific implementation.

For example, the Eq trait from the standard library specifies the equality function Eq.eq.

type Eq A :=
eq (x y : A) : Bool;

An instance of Eq for a given type can be defined by implementing Eq.eq for this type. Here is an Eq instance definition for the Resource type.

eqResourceI : Eq Resource :=
eq (r1 r2 : Resource) : Bool :=
Resource.quantity r1 == Resource.quantity r2
&& Resource.price r1 == Resource.price r2;

A polymorphic function that needs an equality operation for its type parameter can be defined generically by requiring an instance of the Eq trait, rather than relying on a specific equality implementation. Then, the function can be used with any type for which an instance of Eq is available. The appropriate instance is chosen at compilation time based on the type. The corresponding concrete equality implementation from the instance is then used.

As a trivial example, the standard library actually defines the infix equality operator == in terms of the Eq trait.

== {A} {{Eq A}} (x y : A) : Bool := Eq.eq x y;

The implicit instance argument {{Eq A}} specifies that wherever the function == is called, an instance of Eq is required for the type parameter A. The specific instance is automatically inferred by the type checker, separately for each function call.

Because we have defined an instance of Eq for Resource, we can now use == with resources. The type checker automatically choses eqResourceI as the required instance and uses the corresponding equality implementation.

countResource (resource : Resource) (lst : List Resource) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (r in lst) {
| resource == r := acc + 1
| else := acc

The above function does not depend on the details of the Resource type. It only requires that equality be available for the list elements. Hence, the function can be generalized to use the Eq trait.

countValue {A} {{Eq A}} (value : A) (lst : List A) : Nat :=
for (acc := 0) (x in lst) {
| value == x := acc + 1
| else := acc

To use the polymorphic equality operator ==, a type must have an instance of the Eq trait. It is quite tedious to manually implement instances of Eq for each user-defined type. Fortunately, an Eq instance may be derived automatically if Eq instances already exist for the types of all record fields or constructor arguments.

deriving instance
eqResourceI : Eq Resource;


Juvix does not currently have a debugger. A common way of debugging Juvix programs is to make use of the REPL. Once you load your file into the REPL (with juvix repl file.juvix, or via Emacs or VSCode), you can evaluate any function from the file with the desired arguments and inspect the result.

Another technique is to use the trace function which prints its argument and returns it.

import Stdlib.Debug.Trace open;

combineResources (r1 r2 : Resource) : Resource :=
trace r1
>-> trace r2
>-> r1@Resource{quantity := Resource.quantity r1 + Resource.quantity r2};

The function combineResources first prints r1, then prints r2, then returns updated r1. The sequencing operator >-> first evaluates the expression on the left, ignores the result, then evaluates the expression on the right and returns it. The import above the function is necessary, because trace is not in the standard library prelude.

The failwith function may also be useful to immediately crash with an error message.

import Stdlib.Debug.Fail open;

giveAllAway (lst : List Resource) : List Resource :=
lst' :=
map (r in lst) {
r@Resource{price := 0}
in if
| length lst /= length lst' :=
failwith "Oops, something went very wrong with the mapping."
| else := trace "Hurray!" >-> lst';

Finally, assert allows you to specify assumptions at different points in the program.

dividePrice (n : Nat) (r : Resource) : Resource :=
assert (n > 0) >-> r@Resource{price := div (Resource.price r) n};

Common techniques

This section lists some common programming tasks and explains how to solve them in a purely functional manner.

Accumulate list elements from left to right

Accumulate list elements from right to left

Check if a list is empty

  • Solution: use isEmpty.

  • Anti-pattern: do not use length lst == 0.

The length function requires computation time proportional to the length of its argument - it needs to traverse the entire list to compute the length. The isEmpty function runs in constant time.

Check if a condition holds for all list elements

Check if a condition holds for any list element

Keep a state when accumulating list elements

Replicate an element into a list

  • Solution: use replicate. The call replicate n a evaluates to [a; a; ..; a] with a repeated n times.

Concatenate two lists

In each step, ++ takes time proportional to the length of lst, so the total running time of flatten is proportional to the length of the result.

In each step, ++ takes time proportional to the current length of acc, which gets longer with every step. The total running time of flattenWRONG is proportional to the square of the length of the result.

Add an element at the back of a list

Iterate over a range of numbers

Repeat n times
