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Emacs mode

Emacs Mode

There is an Emacs mode available for Juvix. Currently, it supports syntax highlighting for well-scoped modules.

To get started, clone the Juvix Emacs mode repository:

git clone

To install it add the following lines to your Emacs configuration file:

(push "/path/to/juvix-mode/" load-path)
(require 'juvix-mode)

Make sure that Juvix is installed in your PATH.

The Juvix major mode will be activated automatically for .juvix files.


Key Function Name Description
C-c C-l juvix-load Runs the scoper and adds semantic syntax highlighting
M-. juvix-goto-definition Go to the definition of symbol at point
C-c C-f juvix-format-buffer Format the current buffer

Emacs installation

Most Linux distributions contain an Emacs package which can be installed with your package manager (sudo apt install emacs on Ubuntu). On macOS, it is recommended to install Emacs Plus via Homebrew: brew install emacs-plus. Using the Emacs Homebrew casks is not recommended.

Common problems

  • Error "Symbol's value as variable is void: sh:1:"

Make sure the juvix executable is on the Emacs' exec-path. Note that exec-path may be different from your shell's PATH. This is particularly common on macOS with Emacs launched from GUI instead of the terminal.

The easiest way to resolve this issue is to install the exec-path-from-shell package (available on MELPA). Alternatively, one may set exec-path to match shell PATH by following the instructions from EmacsWiki.
