--- Tic-tac-toe is a paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces
--- in a three-by-three grid with X or O.
--- The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or
--- diagonal row is the winner. It is a solved game, with a forced draw assuming best play from both players.
module Logic.Game;

import Stdlib.Prelude open;
import Logic.Extra open public;
import Logic.Board open public;
import Logic.GameState open public;

--- Checks if we reached the end of the game.
checkState (state : GameState) : GameState :=
    | won state :=
      state@GameState{error := terminate
        ("Player "
          ++str showSymbol (switch (GameState.player state))
          ++str " wins!")}
    | draw state := state@GameState{error := terminate "It's a draw!"}
    | else := state;

--- Given a player attempted move, updates the state accordingly.
playMove (attemptedMove : Maybe Nat) (state : GameState) : GameState :=
  case attemptedMove of
    | nothing :=
      state@GameState{error := continue "\nInvalid number, try again\n"}
    | just k :=
        squares := Board.squares (GameState.board state);
        player' := GameState.player state;
      in if 
        | not (isMember k (possibleMoves (flatten squares))) :=
          state@GameState{error := continue
            "\nThe square is already occupied, try again\n"}
        | else :=
              board := mkBoard (map (map (replace player' k)) squares);
              player := switch player';
              error := noError;

--- Returns ;just; if the given ;Nat; is in range of 1..9
validMove (n : Nat) : Maybe Nat := ite (n <= 9 && n >= 1) (just n) nothing;