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Juvix project

A juvix project is a collection of juvix modules plus some extra metadata gathered in a juvix.yaml file. The most convenient way to create a juvix project is to run the command juvix init.

A project is rooted in a directory. The root is set by creating a juvix.yaml, which contains the following fields:

  1. name: The name of the project. The name must not be empty and cannot exceed 100 characters. Lower case letters, digits and hyphen - are acceptable characters. The first letter must not be a hyphen. Summarizing, it must match the following regexp: [a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,99}.
  2. version (optional): The version of the project. It must follow the SemVer specification. If ommited the version will be assumed to be 0.0.0.
  3. dependencies (optional): The dependencies of the project given as a list. Each dependency is given as relative (or absolute) path to the root of another juvix project. If the field is ommited, it will be assumed to contain the Juvix standard library as a dependency.

The example juvix.yaml for the project may look like this:

name: my-project
version: 0.0.0
  - deps/stdlib/
  - deps/containers
  - deps/test

As intuition would tell, a juvix module belongs to a juvix project if it is placed in the subtree hanging from the root directory. This rule has two exceptions:

  1. Modules in a hidden (or hanging from a hidden) directory are not part of the project. E.g., if the root of a project is dir, then the module dir/.d/Lib.juvix does not belong to the project rooted in dir.
  2. A juvix.yaml file shadows other juvix.yaml files in parent directories. E.g. if the root of a project is dir and the files dir/juvix.yaml and dir/nested/juvix.yaml exist, then the module dir/nested/Lib.juvix would belong to the project in dir/nested.

Module naming convention

Modules that belong to a project must follow a naming convention. See the documentation for modules.
