
Juvix is designed with a focus on safety. The Juvix compiler runs several static analyses which guarantee the absence of runtime errors. Analyses performed include termination and type checking. As a result, functional programs, especially validity predicates, can be written with greater confidence in their correctness.

Some language features in Juvix include:

  • Haskell/Agda-like syntax with support for Unicode
  • Type inference
  • Parametric polymorphism
  • User defined inductive data types
  • Higher-order functions
  • Referential transparency

The Juvix module system allows developers to break down their programs into smaller, reusable modules that can be compiled separately and combined to create larger programs. These modules can be used to build libraries, which can then be documented using Juvix's built-in documentation generation tool, see for example, the Juvix standard library's website. For further details, please refer to the Juvix book which includes our latest updates.
